Kate is the owner of Data Perspectives Consulting. She finished her Ph.D. at UC Santa Barbara in 2013 in the Department of Geography. Kate studied Transportation Planning, Models and Methods while obtaining her Masters and Doctorate degrees. Her focus was in destination choice modeling and the decision making process involved in these choices. Kate became an expert in attitudinal and latent variable models and incorporating psychological aspects of decision making into behavioral models. She also studied the build environment and the impact of design on attitudes and travel behavior. For a more detailed look at her dissertation, click the link below. Following her dissertation, Kate continues to focus her work in travel behavior data analysis and collection, as well as travel demand and location modeling and decision making.
Deutsch–Burgner, K. (2015) Multiday Variation in Time Use and Destination Choice in the Bay Area Using the California Household Travel Survey. Final Report RSG (prime). Task Order DTFH61-10-D-00008-T13001 Multiday GPS Travel Behavior Data for Travel Analysis.
Deutsch-Burgner, K. (2015) Inter-person or intra-person variation: the value of multi-day data in modeling travel behavior decisions. International Choice Modeling Conference, Austin, Texas
Deutsch-Burgner, K, S. Ravulaparthy and K. Goulias (2014). Place Happiness: Its Constituents and the Influence of Emotions and Subjective Importance on Activity Type and Destination Choice. To be published in Transportation.
Deutsch, K and K. Goulias. (2013). Decision Makers and Socializers, Social Networks and the Role of Individuals as Participants. Transportation, 40, 4, 755- 771.
Deutsch, K., S.Y. Yoon and K. Goulias. (2013) Modeling sense of place using a structural equation model. Journal of Transport Geography. 28, pp. 155–163
Deutsch, K. and K. Goulias. (2013) Understanding Places Using a Mixed Method Approach. Transportation Research Record2323, pp. 1–9
Yoon, S.Y., K. Deutsch, Y. Chen and K. Goulias. (2012) Feasibility of using time-space prism to represent available opportunities and choice sets for destination choice models in the context of dynamic urban environments. Transportation 39, 4, pp. 807-823
Deutsch, K., G. McKenzie, Y. Hu, K. Janowicz, W. Li and K. Goulias. Examining the Use of Smartphones and Data Quality in Data Collection for Travel Behavior Research. Proceedings of the International Association of Travel Behavior Research, Toronto, July 15-19, 2012
Deutsch, K. and K. Goulias. Using Smartphones to Collect Travel Behavior Data. 91st annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 22-27, 2012 Chen, Y., S. Ravulaparthy, K. Deutsch, P. Dalal, S. Yoon, T. Lei, K. Goulias, R. Pendyala, C. Bhat and H-H. Hu. (2011). Development of Opportunity-Based Accessibility Measures. Transportation Research Record No. 2255, pp. 58-68.
Deutsch, K., S.Y. Yoon and K. Goulias. Unpacking the Theory of Sense of Place, Is It Useful to Choice Modeling? Presented at the International Choice Modeling Conference 2011, Leeds, UK, July 4-6, 2011
Deutsch, K., G. McKenzie, D. Stevenson, D. Dara-Abrams and K. Goulias, Integrating GPS and Smart Phone Technologies for Behavioral Data Collection. Presented at Eurogeo: The meeting of the Association of European Geographers, Athens Greece, June 2-4, 2011. Deutsch, K., and K. Goulias. (2010). Exploring Sense of Place Attitudes as Indicators of Travel Behavior. Transportation Research Record No. 2157, pp. 95-102.